


Adam’s work has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, Bloomberg Businessweek, Vanity FairNational Geographic, Conde Nast Traveler, Fast Company, Scientific American, Outside, The Guardian, New Scientist, Los Angeles Magazine, and many others. 

He specializes in narratives on power, culture, wildlife, climate, and the dark side of big tech: tracking snow leopards in Kashmir, sitting down with Hunter Biden to break the news of his art career, the role of pandemic e-learning on students, the commercialization of Holocaust records and shift in Holocaust education, Elon Musk's marketing of wild horses, the US tiger trade and corrupt celebrity developers in Los Angeles. In 2023, he broke news of the first green bitcoin mine in a national park, reporting from the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo.

His novel, NIMA, is based on reporting from Mount Everest and across the Himalaya chain on the impact of tourism, glacial melt and climate. His work from conflict zones includes joining the Ecuadorian navy on shark poaching patrol, narco-trafficking and startups in Mexico, and religious extremists who deradicalized. In the Arctic, he’s tracked polar bears in Canada and covered tsunamis and melt in Greenland and Alaska. He has also profiled Steven Spielberg, Damien Hirst, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Russell Westbrook, and the Octomom, tackled tech’s impact on manners, memory, mood, ghosting, supplements and sleep, real cyborgs, convictsdissidents, and billionaires.

He holds a master’s degree in journalism from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, and a BA in creative writing from Pitzer College. He is a first generation American.